Time Handling

tks.times provides 4 classes to obtain a time from a user.

A Tk variable which holds a time.
Displays entry boxes for hours, minutes and optionally seconds and an AM/PM selector. Also contains a button to display a time selection dialog.
Displays a dialog window allowing the user to select a time.
A widget which contains the time selection machinery.
class tks.times.TimeVar(master=None, value=None, name=None)

A Tkinter variable which holds a datetime.time

class tks.times.TimeEntry(master, variable=None, locale='en', fonts=None, show_seconds=False)

A time entry widget

  • master (ttk.Frame) – The master frame
  • variable (tks.times.TimeVar) – The variable which hold the date to display in the entry boxes.
  • locale (str or babel.Locale) – Determines the widgets in the entry. Either a locale name e.g. ‘en’ or a babel Locale instance. If babel is not installed ISO 8601 format will be used i.e. 24 hours (no am/pm) and ‘:’ as a separator.
  • fonts (DefaultFonts) – Fonts to use
  • show_seconds (bool) – If True a seconds value can be entered.

The time represented by the entry.

class tks.times.TimeDialog(master, title, start_time=None, locale='en', time_position='top', show_seconds=False, ampm=None, fonts=None)

Display a dialog to obtain a time from the user

  • master (ttk.Frame) – The master frame
  • title (str) – Window title.
  • start_time (datetime.time) – The time to display in the entry boxes. If not provided or None then today’s date will be used.
  • locale (str or babel.Locale) – Determines the widgets in the entry. Either a locale name e.g. ‘en’ or a babel Locale instance. If babel is not installed ISO 8601 format will be used i.e. 24 hours (no am/pm) and ‘:’ as a separator.
  • time_position

    Controls if and where a text representation of the time is displayed. Can be one of the following

    None - Don’t display tk.TOP - Display above the clock face tk.BOTTOM - Display below the clock face

  • show_seconds (bool) – If True a seconds value can be entered.
  • ampm – If not None display a 12 hour clock face with am/pm selection where the 1st element of the tuple is the text for AM and the 2nd element for PM.
  • fonts (DefaultFonts) – Fonts definitions to use
class tks.times.TimeSelector(master, start_time, locale='en', ampm=None, time_position='top', show_seconds=False, fonts=None, colors=None)

A time selection widget.

  • master (ttk.Frame) – The master frame
  • locale (str or babel.Locale) – Determines the widgets in the entry. Either a locale name e.g. ‘en’ or a babel Locale instance. If babel is not installed ISO 8601 format will be used i.e. 24 hours (no am/pm) and ‘:’ as a separator.
  • ampm – If not None display a 12 hour clock face with am/pm selection where the 1st element of the tuple is the text for AM and the 2nd element for PM.
  • time_position (str) – Controls where to display the selected time. I None the time is not displayed. If tk.TOP then it is displayed above the clock dial, if tk.BOTTOM then below.
  • show_seconds (bool) – If True then the selector can also be used to set seconds.
  • fonts (DefaultFonts) – Font definitions to use
  • colors (DefaultColors) – Colors to use.

Used by the TimeDialog class but can be used independently.


The selected time